Thursday, January 8, 2009

Songs I Had Stuck in My Head Yesterday

1. Mad Mission: Patty Griffin (woke up with this)

2. Eli, Eli: words by Hannah Senesh (this one was not totally crazy because I finished reading a book about her in the morning)

3. The theme song to The Nanny: WTF???

4. An R&B song the bus driver back from North Campus was singing along to that--oddly enough--had small children singing at the end of the recording. I saw "oddly enough" because most of the rest of the song was about VIPs, heat, and other not exactly child-friendly (unless you mean getting friendly and making children) topics.

5. The Locomotion: This happened while I walked home from the library. Again, WTF?

Sometimes, my mind is a scary, scary place. But it's never wanting for variety!

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